1 The forms ambos and ambas sdeterminers in formal Spanish and they always refer to two things or persons. Their equivalents los dos, las dos and tanto + uno / una / unos / unas + como + otro / otra / otros / otras belong to popular Spanish. Hay dos ruedas, pero ambas están… Continue reading Ambos, ambas, los dos, las dos and tanto uno como otro
Other adjectives and pronouns
Mismo, misma, mismos and mismas
1 Mismo, misma, mismos and mismas in adjectival function Sometimes mean una sola cosa or persona. Román y yo vamos a la misma clase. Estas dos cartas son del mismo remitente. The comparison may be explicit or tacit. Es la misma mujer (que vi el otro día). Esta panadería es del mismo dueño (que la… Continue reading Mismo, misma, mismos and mismas
Tal and tales
1 Tal and tales are indefinite determiners that precede the noun. They sometimes could be replaced by the determiner este and its derivatives. Tal cosa es mentira. (= Esto es mentira.) Él me dijo: “tal persona es un ladrón”. (= Él me dijo: “esta persona es un ladrón”.) Sometimes tal and tales are used meaning… Continue reading Tal and tales
Sendos and sendas
Sendos and sendas are distributive adjectives.The mentioned thingis distributed between two persons. Envió dos cartas en sendos sobres. Llegaron dos hombres en sendos coches. Do not mistake sendos for ambos, adjective; is a common mistake made by Spaniards. See Ambos, ambas, los dos, las dos and tanto uno como otro
Cada and todo: repetition
1 The typical form of the Spanish to express habitual action is by the determiner todos / todas + los / las + noun in plural. Todas las mañanas me levanto a las cinco. Todos los veranos vamos a la playa. 2 However, by the influence of other languages, in Spanish the distributor cada is also… Continue reading Cada and todo: repetition
1 Cada is an indefinite distributive adjective without variation in gender and number. Followed by singular nouns cada refers to a group of persons or things, considered one by one. Le hemos dado un lápiz a cada niño. Le he puesto un cascabel a cada gato. 2 Cada does not exist as pronoun; in his… Continue reading Cada
Neuter pronouns
1 The demonstrative neuter pronouns are: esto, eso y aquello. Many times neuter pronouns are used referring to the words that just have been said. Has hecho bien en reñirlo delante de sus compañeros de clase. Esto es lo que hay que hacer cuando un alumno se porta mal. Decir eso es tanto como no… Continue reading Neuter pronouns
In Spanish there are several ways of expressing possession: by adjectives, pronouns, prepositions or definite articles. In addition, the possessive adjectives and the definite articles also may show relation. 1 Possessive adjectives In Spanish there are two groups of possessive adjectives. Group A First person singular Second person singular Third person singular Singular Mi Tu… Continue reading Possession
1 Demonstrative adjectives Singular Plural Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Este Esta Estos Estas Ese Esa Esos Esas Aquel Aquella Aquellos Aquellas Este and its derivative refer to something or to someone physically close or considered by the speaker typical of his field. Esta casa no está en venta. (Physical closeness) Este niño es vecino mío.… Continue reading Demonstratives