Gramática española en 1.900 ejercicios
Learn Spanish with our ready-to-use grammar exercises
Also useful for teachers who need exercises for their classes
- 3 books in PDF
- 1.947 exercises in 434 units
- Printable in DIN A4
- Corrections included
- Entirely in Spanish
- Free updates
Improve your vocabulary in Spanish with this resource that relates words by the proximity of their meaning
It is a great complement to translation or definition dictionaries and helps to assimilate the vocabulary of the Spanish language.
Very useful for students of Spanish as a foreign language at advanced (intermediate) and higher levels.
- 1000 pages in PDF
- Printable in DIN A4
- 16,355 words
- 30,434 uses
- Entirely in Spanish
- Free updates
Insultos y más
Any doubt about the insults, curses, vows, vulgarisms or euphemisms of the Spanish language?
In this book in PDF, entirely in Spanish, we explain everything about these issues that are rarely analyzed systematically.
We collect nuances of the most lively language that we use daily. All of them are everyday content, popular and well known by regular speakers of peninsular Spanish.
- You can check the content of this book in our section Insultos y más

For the more studious
The 3 books in PDF of
Gramática española en 1.900 ejercicios
Principiante + Avanzado + Superior

Lexicón +
Gramática española en 1.900 ejercicios

Lexicón +
Gramática española en 1.900 ejercicios

Lexicón +
Gramática española en 1.900 ejercicios