The quantifiers are nouns used to talk about groups of things, persons or parts of things, and are built with the help of the preposition de. 600 gramos de jamón Una madeja de lana Una tableta de chocolate Una caja de pañuelos Una brizna de polvo Un rebaño de ovejas These are the most usual… Continue reading Quantifiers
Adjectives and nouns
Numbers: some more considerations
3 Ordinal number The ordinal numbers are adjectives, and agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. El primer día del mes de abril Los primeros meses de 1944 They maybe found before noun or behind it, but is more common preceding the noun. El primer día El día primero They maybe… Continue reading Numbers: some more considerations
Numbers: some considerations
1 Cardinal numbers in adjectival function In adjectival function, the cardinal numbers are used to count. Position and complements Cardinal numbers (cero, uno, dos, tres…) functioning as determiners are usually placed before a noun. Tengo tres hermanas. Dame cinco euros. Although may also be far from the noun in some popular uses. Hermanas tengo tres.… Continue reading Numbers: some considerations
Dígitos Cardinales Ordinales 0 cero 1 un(o), una primer(o) 2 dos segundo 3 tres tercer(o) 4 cuatro cuarto 5 cinco quinto 6 seis sexto 7 siete séptimo 8 ocho octavo 9 nueve noveno 10 diez décimo 11 once undécimo 12 doce duodécimo 13 trece decimotercero 14 catorce decimocuarto 15 quince decimoquinto 16 dieciséis decimosexto… Continue reading Numbers
Nominalize is to turn an element of the clause into a noun. The most wide spread way to turn other grammatical categories into a noun is by an article or another determiner. On the other hand, some adjectives maybe nominalized without determiners. Esta película gusta a grandes y pequeños.(= Esta película gusta a los adultos… Continue reading Nominalization
Nouns: number of the nouns
1 . The polysyllabic nouns ending in consonant followed by non stressed vowel add a -s to build the plural: casa, casas; parque, parques, libro, libros; tribu, tribus; banco, bancos, etc. Some nouns recently included in Spanish also follow the rule: babi, babis; casete, casetes; confeti, confetis; ovni, ovnis; penalti, penaltis; poni, ponis, etc. 2… Continue reading Nouns: number of the nouns
Nouns: gender of nouns and names
Reading a noun is difficult know its gender. There are some guide lines to differentiate them by the ending. Unfortunately, there are as many rules as exceptions. The best advice for the foreign student: when learning a new noun, focus on the genderand link it to a determiner. 1 Are feminine: Most of the nouns… Continue reading Nouns: gender of nouns and names
Relative superlative
The superlative relative shows a quality in the highest degree, but within a limit. 1 The superlative relative follows these patterns: El más + adjective + de (of superiority) El menos + adjective + de (of inferiority) Esta chica es la más guapa del pueblo. Esta chica es la menos preparada del grupo. 2 In… Continue reading Relative superlative
Absolute superlative: formation of adjectives ending in -ísimo
To express positive or negative qualities, the adjectives turn into superlative with the suffixe -ísimo. 1 The adjectives ending in consonant, add -ísimo. Especial Especialísimo Veloz Velocísimo Vulgar Vulgarísimo 2 The adjectives ending in vowel, replace this one by -ísimo. Tonto Tontísimo Triste Tristísimo Blando Blandísimo Largo Larguísimo The unstressed diphthongs -ue and -uo lose… Continue reading Absolute superlative: formation of adjectives ending in -ísimo
Absolute superlative: general
The absolute superlative shows quality in the highest degree or inthe lowest; i.e. may express superiority or inferiority. 1 The absolute superlative of superiority may be expressed this way: Muy + adjective. Esta chica es muy guapa. Este libro es muy interesante. The suffixes -ísimo, -ísima also maybe added to adjectives. See Absolute superlative: formation… Continue reading Absolute superlative: general