The prefix re- precedes some verbs indicating repetition: Recomprar(= Volver a comprar algo que se había vendido) Revivir(= Volver a vivir algo que estaba mustio) Readmitir(= Volver a admitir a alguien expulsado de algún sitio) Rehacer(= Volver a hacer algo) Also may modify the sense of a noun. Recompra(= El acto de volver a comprar)… Continue reading Re-
Suffixes and prefixes
The suffixe -ble means the possibility of a quality, and always forms adjectives. Impermeable (= That water can not penetrate)) Inagotable (= That it can not be ran out) Indestructible (= That it can not be destroyed) Compatible (= Two or more things tha can not be together) Comprensible (= That it can be understood)… Continue reading -ble
The suffixe -azo is added to many instruments, meaning a blow given with that instrument. Martillazo (= Blow given with a hammer) Mazazo (= Blow given with a mallet) Hachazo (= Blow given with an axe) These are some of the most used: Dar puñetazos a alguien [alguien]. Me dio un puñetazo en la cara… Continue reading -azo
Diminutives and augmentatives
1 A diminutive is a derivative to make something smaller, sometimes because of scorn. Ese tipejo no se merece ni el aire que respira. Others for affection. ¡Qué naricita más bonita tiene mi niño! To stand out that something is physically small. Los enanitos vivían en una casita bajo un árbol. To play down the… Continue reading Diminutives and augmentatives
Some suffixes indicates corn for something or bad quality. 1 They modify nouns -orro, -orra: tintorro (= a red wine of poor quality). –ucho, -ucha: pueblucho (= a small and ugly town), tenducha (= a small, poorly stocked shop). -azo, -aza: pelmazo (= someone too boring). -ote, -ota: papelote (= an irrelevant piece of paper),… Continue reading Pejoratives