1 Uses of un and una. Indefinite article is used referring to any noun within a category of things or persons. Por el paso de cebra cruza un niño. ¡Mira! una vaca. Te ha llamado un chico. Esto es un libro de ejercicios. La ganadora del premio de novela es una profesora de Murcia. With… Continue reading Articles: uses of the indefinite articles
Spanish grammar
Articles: uses of the definite articles
1 When referring toa specific thing or person (both the speaker and the interlocutor know what is being talked about), definite article is used. Por ahí van los niños que me insultaron el otro día. Busco a la secretaria del señor Sánchez. In this case, the specificity is not only shown bythe article itself; some… Continue reading Articles: uses of the definite articles
Articles: general
1 The articles agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. Las manzanas Un niño El fuego Una vaca When the noun is invariable, the article as other determiners indicates gender. El árabe La árabe Este dentista Esta dentista The articles always precede the noun. La sandía El perfume Singular Neuter Plural… Continue reading Articles: general
Attributive It is told of the copulative verbs. Attribute In copulative clauses is a complement of the subject. Auxiliary verb It is told of the verb haber when building perfect tenses and ser in the passive voice. Also deber, tener, dejar, estar, quedar and llevar are auxiliary in periphrasis. Clause It is the word or… Continue reading Glossary