The verbs from this group add c in the first person of the singular of the present indicative and in all persons of present subjunctive. ACER complacer, nacer, pacer, renacer. ECER abastecer, aborrecer, acaecer *1 , acontecer *1 , adolecer, agradecer, amanecer, anochecer, aparecer, apetecer, atardecer, carecer, compadecer, comparecer, convalecer, crecer, decrecer, desaparecer, desentumecer, desfallecer,… Continue reading Group 3: conocer
Common irregularity
Group 2: contar
La o changes to ue in all the singular persons and in the third person of the plural of the present indicative and in the whole present subjunctive. O AR acordar, almorzar, apostar *1 , aprobar, asolar *2 , avergonzar, colar, colgar, comprobar, concordar, consolar, contar, costar, degollar, demostrar, desaprobar, descolgar, descontar, desosar *3 ,… Continue reading Group 2: contar
Group 1: pensar
La e changes to ie in all the singular persons and in the third person of the plural of the present indicative and in the whole present subjunctive. E AR acertar, acrecentar, alentar, apretar, arrendar, asentar, asosegar, aterrar, atravesar, calentar, cegar, cerrar, comenzar, concertar, confesar, denegar, desalentar, desasosegar, desconcertar, desenterrar, deshelar, desmembrar, despertar, desplegar, desterrar,… Continue reading Group 1: pensar