Group 3: conocer

The verbs from this group add c in the first person of the singular of the present indicative and in all persons of present subjunctive.

  • ACER complacer, nacer, pacer, renacer.
  • ECER abastecer, aborrecer, acaecer *1 , acontecer *1 , adolecer, agradecer, amanecer, anochecer, aparecer, apetecer, atardecer, carecer, compadecer, comparecer, convalecer, crecer, decrecer, desaparecer, desentumecer, desfallecer, desfavorecer, desobedecer, desvanecerse, embellecer, embrutecer, empobrecer, enaltecer, enardecer, encarecer, endurecer, enfurecer, enloquecer, enmohecer, enmudecer, ennegrecer, ennoblecer, enorgullecer, enrarecer, enriquecer, enrojecer, ensombrecer, ensordecer, enternecer, entorpecer, entristecer, entumecer, envejecer, envilecer, esclarecer, establecer, estremecer, fallecer, favorecer, florecer, fortalecer, guarecer, humedecer, languidecer, merecer, obedecer, ofrecer, oscurecer, padecer, palidecer, parecer, perecer, permanecer, pertenecer, prevalecer, reaparecer, reblandecer, recrudecer, rejuvenecer, resplandecer, restablecer.
  • OCER conocer, desconocer, reconocer.
  • UCIR balbucir *2 , deslucir, lucir, relucir.
Present indicative Present subjunctive Imperative
Yo conozco Yo conozca
Tú conoces Tú conozcas Tú conoce
Él conoce Él conozca Usted conozca
Nosotros conocemos Nosotros conozcamos Nosotros conozcamos
Vosotros conocéis Vosotros conozcáis Vosotros conoced
Ellos conocen Ellos conozcan Ustedes conozcan

*1 Acaecer and acontecer are defective. They are only used in the third persons of singular and plural, also in infinitive.
*2 Balbucir is defective: it is only used in irregular persons. In those cases we prefer the verb balbucear, which is regular.